Dead Fish in a Box

The chronicles of a suburban fishpimp trying to keep it rural.

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Location: United States

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Culture Shack

My main man in Orange County, Luke, has been making me look bad - three posts in three days! I just got back from vacation in Florida, and am not up to speed on the latest goings-on here at the house of fish, so for this post I'm dipping into the deepest reservoir of material I've got: Simon.

If you read back through the Fishpimp archives you'll get more of the back-story on this guy, but the short of it is he's a little rough around the edges for a manager of a $50 million sales department. Today I would like to tackle his mastery of the English language.

The other day, in an effort to emphasize his desire for us to have a report to him by a certain deadline, implied that his wrath would be severe should anyone not be compliant. His chosen metaphor was of post-traumatic stress syndrome, also known as "shell shock" Here is what he actually said:

"I'd better have [that report] Monday or you'll all have culture shack"

This is the thing about Simon, when he butchers the English language, he goes all the way. In this example he not only transposes "shell shock" with "culture shock", but inserts "shack" for "shock". Brilliant.

The chart above is a list of some if his finer interpretations.


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