Dead Fish in a Box

The chronicles of a suburban fishpimp trying to keep it rural.

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Location: United States

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Taking a dose of my own Medicine

Despite all this talk about nicknames around here, surprising, I have managed to avoid being saddled with any sort of embarrassing moniker.

Until today.

Perhaps it was all the wine I drank over the 4 day weekend, perhaps it was all the training for the 1/2 Marathon in November, perhaps it was sympathy pain for the Huskies, any way you slice it, I feel like poop today (and not the good kind!). So I rolled into work in my tennie-runners and a grey hoody.

unfortunately, in my quest for comfort, I apparently put together a great Ted Kaczynski costume which resulted in my new fishhouse nickname:

The Tunabomber.


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