Dead Fish in a Box

The chronicles of a suburban fishpimp trying to keep it rural.

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Location: United States

Sunday, June 19, 2005

If She Sings it's Over

If She Sings it's Over
Originally uploaded by fishpimp.

So Saturday the in-laws dragged me down to the Solstice Parade in Fremont. I hate parades. I hate crowds where there's no place sit. But I figured this one would be different - I'd never been to a parade with naked people on bikes before - so I'd give it a chance. If you didn't know, Fremont is on the SW end of the Seattle New Age belt - it stretches from there in a straight line up to the Roosevelt Neighborhood. It's a 'different' kind of place - they imported a 20' bronze statue of Lenin, there's a giant troll sculpture under the bridge a al billy goat gruff, and they claim to be the geographic center of the universe. Understandably, their parade is a little different also. But is was still a parade. Actually, it was 90 minutes of naked bikers followed by about 30 minutes of actual parade, made up of 40% marching drum circles & white chicks attempting to dance like African women, 40% bands on floats, 10% people on stilts, with the remaining 5% mixed costume people with various socio-political agendas.

My Mother-in-law forgot her camera, so she asked me to take lots of photos. She's regretting that one today. There were some pretty interesting costumes - or lack-there-of. She said something to the effect of "I've never seen that many penises in one day in my life!" The bikers came in all shapes - some very pleasing to the eye, others, not so much. For some the hour of biking was probably more than they'd get all year long! At least I've got some good material to put up on my co-workers desktop wall paper!

In retrospect, I probably would have enjoyed it more if I had just brought a chair & a cooler of 'beverages' - sheesh, how many events could that statement apply to? I may have to rethink my approach to these sorts of things.


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