Dead Fish in a Box

The chronicles of a suburban fishpimp trying to keep it rural.

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Location: United States

Saturday, September 15, 2007

An Ax to Grind

I've got some hardwood I need to split into chunks for the smoker, so yesterday on the way home from work I tried to buy an ax. Here is a list of stores who do not stock a 2.5 Lb. wood-handled ax:

Home Depot
Miller's Rent-All
Sky Nursury
Dunn Lumber
Fred Meyer
Aurora Rents
Aurora Mower

I finally found my ax at the True Value store in Greenwood, a mere 12 miles, and 10 stops, from where I started.


Blogger Humbaba said...

I'm sure I've seen axes or splitting mauls at Home Depot, Fred Meyer, and Lowes. Maybe not wood handled...

For that the first place I would go is Hardwicks. (or head to the eastside or far north)

8:29 AM  
Blogger Fishpimp said...

GAH! Why didn't I think of Hardwicks! I love that place!

5:35 PM  

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