Dead Fish in a Box

The chronicles of a suburban fishpimp trying to keep it rural.

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Location: United States

Sunday, January 07, 2007


The Fishpimps spent the holiday week in Hawaii at the in-laws condo on Maui. It took me over 30 years to finally visit the 50th state; I'm damned sure it won't take that long to get back. I figured it would be a lot of lying around on the beach eating poi & getting sunburned. No sir! We had no time to sit: there was snorkeling, whale-watching, fine-dining, rum-drinking, mountain hiking, and surfing to be done. That's right, the Fishpimp surfed. Without a lesson, even! (Photographic evidence is pending)

Speaking of photographic evidence, ckeck out my skills:

In other news: Go Seahawks!!!


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