Dead Fish in a Box

The chronicles of a suburban fishpimp trying to keep it rural.

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Location: United States

Friday, February 17, 2006

Gold Nuggets

A day after lamenting the lack of material I was handed two little nuggets today:

1) I had lunch with the Punkin, my fishhouse homie today. He affirmed my decision to leave today. A while back I wrote that they actually had to put a memo out telling the fishhouse staff not to look at porn on the company computers. Punky told me they just fired a 15+ year employee (who is a known pornography connoisseur) and cut off everyone’s internet access. As Simon says “it’s like the navy – every rule we got is because something got f*cked up.” Draw your own conclusions.

2) I do a lot of “In Person Prospecting” (formerly known as cold-calling). I spend a lot of time exploring the industrial parks of Snohomish county. Most places are I encounter are either automotive or aerospace related. Today, however, I wandered into this place.


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