Dead Fish in a Box

The chronicles of a suburban fishpimp trying to keep it rural.

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Location: United States

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Imagine the Possibilities

My wife really surprised me twice the other day. After nearly 5 years of marriage, 9 years all together, I should think that I know this woman pretty well, but I never expected these two things of her. First she called me at work:

“Guess what I’m doing?………I’m knitting!!!!!”

Wow, never saw that one coming. Then, that evening, we rented “Team America: World Police”. She thought it was pretty silly, but she laughed the most at the puppet sex scene – and she laughed really hard. I can only assume that means she was enjoying it. I never expected that one either.

I’m really confused; these two events are diametrically opposed on the scale of sexy. But It may work out for me yet: if she graduates from knitting this scarf to jumpers & cardigans, one can only imagine what sort of movies she’ll want to watch in the future.


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