Dead Fish in a Box

The chronicles of a suburban fishpimp trying to keep it rural.

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Location: United States

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Barn Doors

This is a big fish. It is a Pacific Halibut. Halibut are the ocean's largest flatfish (as well as one of the largest fish species in the sea), Pacific halibut are noted for their thick steaks and fillets, which boast a big flake, mild flavor and excellent versatility in the kitchen. Thanks to changes in the fishery's management, fresh halibut is now available nine months a year, while frozen product is available year round. Although Pacific halibut reportedly can grow to more than eight feet long and 700 pounds, (rightfully earning their Latin name, Hippoglossus, or "hippos of the sea"), although the sportfishing record is 459 Lbs, and 533 for commercial fisherman. Most commercially caught fish run 20 to 100 pounds. In general, only female halibut grow to any significant size; males rarely tip the scales at more than 50 pounds. Large halibut (more than 80 to 100 pounds) are sometimes called "whales," while small ones (20 pounds or less) are sometimes known as "chicken halibut." The really, really big ones like the one pictured here are colloquially known as "Barn Doors".

Many people feel that the best part of the halibut are the cheeks. We like to make jokes about people eating " 'But Cheeks". It's one of those seafood jokes that never get old.


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