Dead Fish in a Box

The chronicles of a suburban fishpimp trying to keep it rural.

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Location: United States

Monday, February 28, 2005

What time is it?

Bill Gates blasted the U.S. education system this past weekend. Based on a conversation I just had I would like to affirm his position. A grocery store seafood department manager is going to come pick up an order today. She called to inquire as to what time the order would be ready. I told her it would be available for pick up after noon. Her response?

"What time is that?"

"Well, if noon is at 12:00, then 'after noon' would be 12:00 or later"

"So 2:00 is ok?"

"Yes, 2:00 is after 12:00"

"Oh, ok, I just wanted to be sure."

If there is any uncertainty among the American public that 2:00 PM is after noon on a daily basis, then we definitely have a problem.


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